Our Services

Debt Counselling

This is for people struggling with a large amount of Debt. A Debt Counsellor can reduce the amount you need to pay each month and make it just one affordable monthly payment. Payments are collected by a Payment Distribution Agency who then make payments to your Creditors. You receive monthly statements. Your application will be finalised by a Magistrate giving you peace of mind and protection from your Creditors, as long as you maintain the payment. Once paid off you will get a Clearance Certificate and you record will show that all debts have been paid..

Debt Administration

This is aimed at people with lower disposable incomes and lower debts, typically no more than R50,000. You make one monthly payment each month which the Debt Administrator will distribute to your Creditors every three months. This will be finalised at your local Magistrate Court, giving you the protection and peace of mind. You are required to attend Court for the hearing, nothing to worry about, a simple requirement so the order can be granted,. We’ll guide you through the process.

Debt Consolidation

For clients with a reasonable credit record, we may be able to offer a Debt Consolidation Loan. This would hopefully give you sufficient to be able to clear all your exiting debts, leaving you with just one payment to make every month, which would be less than what you’re paying out at present. Saves you money and keeps your credit rating intact. Word of Warning though, don’t be tempted to use cards that you’ve just cleared or take out further credit and this will get you back to where you started and consolidation may then not be an option due to the increased level of Debt.

Life/Funeral & Lifestyle

We’re always looking at your financial wellbeing. Quite often people with debt problems cancel the very things which are most important such as Life Cover and Funeral Plans. we’re here to help put that back in place for you at an affordable rate so you can keep up with the payments. In addition we look at what Lifestyle products would benefit you and help you save money each month.