Lifeline Debt Solutions Clients



We’d like to extend a warm welcome to ALL Lifeline Debt Solutions clients.


Lifeline has traded very successfully now for well over ten years in this field.

As part of our expansion, we have identified businesses that we can add to our portfolio and Lifeline are the latest Debt Counselling Company that we have acquired.


Rest assured, nothing changes for you, the Client, which is IMPORTANT.


Yes, telephone numbers and emails have changed so there will be a small cross-over period for this, again be assured any mail received to old addresses will be forwarded and dealt with.


Hyphen PDA are also our PDA of choice.

Your account will be debited by Hyphen as normal, and it is important that you maintain your payments accordingly.


We will pick up where Lifeline left off with your application and proceed to help you manage your finances.

To assist with the smooth transition, we have also taken some of the Lifeline staff where possible, so hopefully when you call us you’ll hear a familiar voice there which will give you peace of mind.


Welcome once again to the LFS Group and look forward to being of assistance, both now and in the future.